Human achievements
Aug 22, 2021

Want to Learn Ballet as an adult? Read Veronica's Story of Becoming a Ballerina at 27!

Never Too Late: Veronica Viccora's Journey to Becoming a Ballerina at 27


Have you ever harbored a dream that seemed just out of reach, too late, or too daunting to pursue? Veronica Viccora's journey is a testament to the power of determination and the possibility of transformation. At 27, Veronica took a bold leap towards a lifelong aspiration - becoming a ballerina. This dream, long deferred, was reignited by her refusal to let age or obstacles define her limits. Confronting stage fright, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and body image struggles, Veronica’s story is a profound reminder that it's never too late to chase your dreams, and that the courage to pursue them can lead to an extraordinary life.

Early Life and Love for Ballet

As many young girls Veronica had longed to be a dancer. "At 5, I fell in love with ballet," she recalls. After a brief stint in a ballet class at a local church in her hometown on Long Island, she instantly fell in love with the art form. Unfortunately, the program didn't last, and her family couldn't afford to send her to anything fancier. 

At 17, Veronica, with her own job and savings, finally felt the moment had arrived to pursue her dream of ballet. Yet, in that fragile stage of adolescence, plagued by self-doubt and imposter syndrome, she struggled to trust her own judgment. Many of us have been there—hesitant, questioning our decisions under the weight of our insecurities.

Her fears were only deepened when a professional dancer, embodying the authority she revered, told her to abandon her aspirations. “You’re too late,” her teacher dancer declared dismissively, “There’s really no point in you wasting your time and money. You’ll never be a professional ballet dancer” Such harsh words can penetrate deeply, striking at the core of our dreams and self-belief.

In that vulnerable moment, like many who find it difficult to defy the authority from whom they seek validation, Veronica accepted these dismissive remarks as truth. It’s a common scenario: the weight of authority can overshadow our own hopes and dreams, making it challenging to summon the courage to question or resist. And so, these words of discouragement shaped her reality and dictated her path for nearly a decade.

Starting again

After stepping away from ballet in her youth, Veronica returned to an adult class at a nearby studio. Signing up felt profoundly meaningful; Iמ the beginning the teacher even gifted her a pair of ballet slippers, a symbolic gesture marking a significant moment in her journey. Despite this hopeful start, Veronica was met with discouragement once again. The teacher suggested her studio is mostly for people seeking dancing as a hobby, a notion that didn’t align with Veronica’s deep commitment to her dream.

Credit to Sydney K. Bradley

In the story of our lives, there are moments that either break us or propel us forward. For Veronica, what seemed like a dead-end became a powerful catalyst for change. Instead of letting the harsh words and shattered dreams define her, she found within herself a quiet resolve. This wasn’t the end; it was simply a redirection. 

Determined not to let her love for movement slip away, Veronica embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She traveled, seeking solace and new experiences, and found a new kind of rhythm in the practice of yoga. Yoga became her refuge, a way to stay connected to her body and spirit while the sting of rejection began to fade.

But as with all true passions, the desire to dance never really left her. Upon returning from her travels, something shifted deep within her. The thought of dancing lingered, growing stronger with each passing day until one undeniable truth surfaced: “It’s now or never,” she told herself.

In the annals of personal transformation, few stories resonate as deeply as that of Veronica. At the age of 27, with a spirit undimmed by the passage of time, she made a courageous decision to enroll in a Burlesque Jazz class in New York City. This step was not taken lightly; Veronica herself admitted that it could be either “the worst experience or the most liberating experience of her life.” It was, in truth, a defining moment.

By Veronica Viccora

Upon entering the dance studio, Veronica was met not with the indifference or judgment she had long feared, but with an unexpected warmth. The studio was a haven, populated by dancers of all ages and abilities, united by a shared passion for movement. Here, the usual metrics of worth—age, experience, and perfection—were irrelevant. What mattered was the vitality of spirit, the passion for the art, and the courage to begin.

For Veronica, who had spent years haunted by the belief that she was too late, too inexperienced, and fundamentally not good enough, this revelation was profound. In this community, she found acceptance and encouragement, a fertile ground for growth. She committed herself fully to the rigors of practice and training, and through perseverance, her skills began to flourish. 

Her dedication bore fruit as she began performing in recitals, each step on stage a testament to her resolve. In time, she secured a role in a production, a significant achievement that silenced the doubts that had once plagued her. Veronica's journey is a powerful affirmation that it is never too late to pursue one’s passion.

In her desire to inspire others, Veronica began documenting her dance journey on her YouTube channel. With unflinching honesty, she shared her mistakes and triumphs alike, offering a beacon of hope to fellow late bloomers and recovering perfectionists. Her story is a living proof that with determination, passion, and a willingness to embrace the unknown, one can achieve greatness at any stage of life.

What Next from Veronica

I dream of expanding Adult Ballet Academy and hopefully finding ways to bring it to people all over the world. I genuinely believe that what holds so many adult ballerinas back is not a lack of talent, but a lack of resources and guidance. With the right roadmap, we’re capable of SO much more than we realize. It’s my mission to help dancers unlock their potential and JOY no matter their age.

At HappyLab, we believe stories like Veronica have the power to inspire others to chase their dreams. If you've ever wanted to do something but didn't because of self-judgment or the opinions of others, we hope Veronica's story will be a strong reminder of the human ability to achieve their most ambitious dreams."

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