Aug 22, 2021

Findings from an 85-Year-Old Study on Happiness

Does a drink with a friends can make us live longer? in short - Yes! Insights from the 82-year Harv


Does a drink with a friends can make us live longer? in short - Yes!  Insights from the 82-year Harvard Study of Adult Development reveal fascinating information about what truly makes a person happier and enables them to live longer with better quality.

Launched in 1938 under the guidance of Clark Heath, the Harvard Study of Adult Development has been quietly unfolding for over 80 years with one great goal in mind: understanding the essence of human flourishing. It stands as one of the longest-running inquiries into adult life, steadfastly peeling back the layers of what constitutes a good life. This remarkable research aims to illuminate the subtle, often elusive ingredients that make up our well-being. It seeks to pinpoint the predictors of healthy aging, delve into the profound impact of early life experiences, and unravel the intricate ways in which our relationships, work, and lifestyle choices shape our overall health and happiness.

First Findings: Relationships Matter Most

We often think of happiness as a constant state or as being free from worries, at peace with our spouse, or not having trouble at work. However, what is truly surprising about the Harvard Study of Adult Development is its emphasis on the crucial role of strong, positive relationships in long-term well-being. The study found that 75% of overall life satisfaction is influenced by relationships. Participants with strong social connections at age 50 were up to 50% more likely to live to 80 and beyond. One of the most major discoveries of this study highlights that participants who maintained close connections with family, friends, and community members reported higher levels of life satisfaction and better mental health outcomes.

Exercise for the coming week: try to spend more quality time with people who make you feel good and have fun and see how it affects your overall mood

Physical health plays a vital role in our overall happiness, according to the Harvard study. Participants who maintained good health habits throughout their lives tended to experience greater satisfaction and longevity. This underscores the importance of taking care of our bodies as a crucial component of emotional well-being.

Action step: Incorporate one new healthy habit into your routine this week, such as a daily 10-minute walk or adding an extra serving of vegetables to your meals.

The ultimate study on happiness reveals that having a sense of purpose and engaging in meaningful activities contributes significantly to life satisfaction. Participants who found fulfillment in their work, hobbies, or volunteer activities reported higher levels of happiness and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Action step: Incorporate one new healthy habit into your routine this week, such as a daily 10-minute walk or adding an extra serving of vegetables to your meals.

The ultimate study on happiness provides us with valuable insights into the ingredients of a fulfilling life. By focusing on building strong relationships, maintaining our health, pursuing purpose, and embracing personal growth, we can take meaningful steps towards increasing our own happiness and well-being.

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